
My Fixie is DONE!

Yes my fixie is done! Finally! I've been working on it for many days. Probably more than a week. It shouldn't take a long time to build the whole thing up, cause we only needed one day to finish it. But it's a custom single-speed bike, and i needed to gather all parts of the bike first then put them all together. So most of the times were taken to search and buy the stuff. Not a very easy job to do. Oh well, here some photos of the bike.

These photos are taken from outside the garage. I happen to take them with different backgrounds although I don't really have any purpose why I did that. Probably because I had this thought whilst I took the photos that with different backgrounds the bike might have different looks. Silly thought. Anyway, my plan was to get a light-blue frame, pink handlebars, pink chain and a black saddle. Some girlie bike. But it was really hard to get all those things since stuff for fixed gear bikes are still very rare and difficult to find in my country. So I modified it with those color combination instead. I still need to add more things. Starts with the frame. Probably some stickers or put different coloured bits on, so it won't look too empty. I'm thinking 'police line' stickers should be really cool, it'll make me look like one of those police women with bikes patrol around the city lol Juliet said to me that I need to get toe-straps and clips. Still have no idea where to find them, i mean the cool ones, but I'll try to look and get them as soon as I can.

Can't wait to see my friends on friday night. We're going to ride bikes together and go around the city. Hope there will be a lot of traffic. I want us to get caught between cars and motorbikes. Well, my city is a city of mayhem, so there's no way i won't see any traffic. Another wish--PLEASE DONT RAIN!
Two days to go! So excited!

p.s: Thanks to Juliet Elliott for all the informations about fixed gear bike and also comments and some advices on what I need to add.
